
Leading by Effectively Communicating


As a part of my executive coaching practice, I use a DISC/Driving Forces assessment tool to help identify the natural behavioral tendencies and the personal motivations of my clients. During most of my years as a coach, I was adamantly opposed to “recommending some online assessment that will slap a label on my clients and pop them into boxes.” Coaching is about growth and change and the antithesis of living in a box. I had my speech and I was committed to it.

Leading by saying “No”


The reluctance, and often inability, to say “No” is an insidious thief of success. Success takes vision and focus. Not saying “No” takes nibbles, often full bites, out of your time and energy. It keeps you from creating your best life and making the difference that you long to make in the world. This danger plagues everyone from the mother of school age children who is asked to send homemade cookies for the class party to the gifted CEO eager to take the company to the next level. It haunts the entrepreneur who struggles to focus his efforts. It dilutes the ability of every leader to pursue what really matters.